Fans clamoring to buy tickets for the India-South Africa match on Saturday, March 12, were lathicharged outside the Vidarbha Cricket Association in Nagpur on Tuesday morning. (Watch)
There had been a big crowd outside the stadium since the ticket counters opened at 9am. Many people had even been waiting in line since last night.
Reports said the police had to resort to a kind lathicharge several times since morning to manage crowds at the ticket sale counter which has been closed for now.
The Nagpur stadium’s capacity is 45,000 seats, of which 26,000 seats are open for the general public and the tickets are being sold for Rs. 300, 600 and 1000.
There is heavy police deployment at the site.
Late last month, police had lathi charged thousands of fans at the Chinnaswamy stadium in Bangalore as they waited to buy tickets for the India vs England match.
There had been a big crowd outside the stadium since the ticket counters opened at 9am. Many people had even been waiting in line since last night.
Reports said the police had to resort to a kind lathicharge several times since morning to manage crowds at the ticket sale counter which has been closed for now.
The Nagpur stadium’s capacity is 45,000 seats, of which 26,000 seats are open for the general public and the tickets are being sold for Rs. 300, 600 and 1000.
There is heavy police deployment at the site.
Late last month, police had lathi charged thousands of fans at the Chinnaswamy stadium in Bangalore as they waited to buy tickets for the India vs England match.
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