“It is going to be tough for India to win the World Cup,” said Sir Vivian Richards on the Indian cricket team's chances. “Though Indians are among one of the favourites, they are struggling in their bowling department. They need many more bowlers like Shaun Tait and Dale Steyn."
The legendary former cricketer was at his cheerful best as he answered a volley of questions from the gathering at a city hotel, which ranged from his cricketing heydays to the ongoing World Cup.
Though optimistic about his own country, West Indies, he made it amply clear that the Caribbeans needed to pull up their socks fast if they were to win their next encounter against India on Sunday.
Amidst a series of questions from enthusiastic fans on the experience of the famous 1983 World Cup final, which the Kapil Dev led-Indian team won, Richards believes it was just a bad day at work. "We were not overconfident. Every team has a bad day. On the day of the finals, the weather was getting cloudier. Clive Lloyd was not completely fit for the game and credit must be given to the Indian bowlers who bowled really well on the day."
The legendary former cricketer was at his cheerful best as he answered a volley of questions from the gathering at a city hotel, which ranged from his cricketing heydays to the ongoing World Cup.
Though optimistic about his own country, West Indies, he made it amply clear that the Caribbeans needed to pull up their socks fast if they were to win their next encounter against India on Sunday.
Amidst a series of questions from enthusiastic fans on the experience of the famous 1983 World Cup final, which the Kapil Dev led-Indian team won, Richards believes it was just a bad day at work. "We were not overconfident. Every team has a bad day. On the day of the finals, the weather was getting cloudier. Clive Lloyd was not completely fit for the game and credit must be given to the Indian bowlers who bowled really well on the day."
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